Give Up ruins the fun

lately I have the feeling that every second game I‘m about to win the enemy gives up.
I don’t mean the ones who give up because of bad luck or a destroyed set up phase. I mean the ones who see that I will win in my current turn und right on the moment I want to click my attack they give up. It’s really frustrating and the statistics are worse they could be.
Maybe if players could only give up while their turn or after 20sec of the enemies turn would fix the issue and bring back the fun.
thanks for your time
No, TCG Rulebooks states - players has a right to Surrender as soon as possible if they choose...
No reason to
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I always play through the match because I've seen some crazy things happen. I understand wanting to see things through, but when they surrender I just chuckle to myself. There's some situations where they might have made a comeback if the opponent made a mistake. So I always stick it through.
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its completely normal for competetive games to surrender when no hope remains but..
the game features daily quests that are not tied to wins, like deal 500 damage or evolve 5 times. I think they make the matter worse when even in winning situation you cant close the quest because your opponent rightfully left
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Darksoul1234 is correct, tho i can understand the frustration when people have to finish the daily quests that require to knock out an X number of Pokémon or take an X amount of prize cards. For people that play many games per day shouldn't be a big deal, but for those that play few games can be annoying to be about to finish the quest then the opponent just leaves.
But that said it's in the rules so that's how it is. To understand a reason why this rule is important check this out, if you played in tournaments you would see that time management matters a lot, being able to give up when you wish it's actually very important. Imagine you are playing BO3 with total rounds timer counting down, the final match outcome can be decided in the last seconds, if in the 1st match you know you are going to lose and you still were forced to let your opponent do the attack and take the prize cards the timer wouldn't stop and you would be wasting precious seconds.
I played a lot of tournaments I can tell you by experience that this is important if you know you will lose the match just give up that one and get ready for the next, unless it's BO1 (initial phase usually is swiss rounds BO1).
Don't forget that TCG Live is used for online tournaments and also used to test decks for physical game preparation (because of the bugs not so much as TCG Online was) so it's important that it follows the same rules.
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I can understand your points.
In tournaments it is very important and the fact that the online game should mirror the offical case makes sense.
My point is just that it is frustrating when you get the ideal cards on your last turn and while playing them out the enemy surrenders.
Especially because the amount of season pass points seems to callculate not just with winning or loosing. Is there an offical table that shows how the rewards of a match are callculated?
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There isn't an official table but I do know (from testing various decks) that knockouts are taken into consideration when calculating EXP/Battle Pass points/coin gains, I can see EXP counts of 100+ if I play a deck that goes the traditional "take 6 Prizes to win" route but the gains are less with a nonstandard route like deck milling.
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i understand what you are saying main poster.
pokemon tcg players should learn from chess players, most of the chest players don't surrender that fast lol