RotomV Ability Bugged

Just played (and lost) against someone who used RotomV's Instant Charge Ability which says, "Once during your turn you may draw 3 cards. If you use this Ability, your turn ends." Except, my opponent's turn didn't end. They used Instant Charge and continued playing. As one might suspect, that was the tipping point, and I lost after that.
Unfortunately, there is no match history or match log to export in PTCGL so I can't get the screenname. But maybe the powers that be at PTCGL can see that sort of thing?
Speaking of match history, a match history (at least the 10 most recent games) and W/L with each deck, not just overall, should be features by now, but definitely upon official release. We at least had a match log that existed until we exited the game in PTCGO that we could export. W/L per deck was also a feature in PTCGO. But I digress.
Either Instant Charge is bugged (seems most likely), or people are now cheating on PTCGL. Either way, something needs fixing.
They used it once earlier in the game and it worked properly. Their turn continued after the second use.
Also, that's kind of how bugs work. That is to say, they happen sometimes for some people, but not others. Perfect example, Instant Charge working properly the first time in the game in question but behaving irregularly the second time in the same game no less.
Or it could have been cheating. Opponent would have lost if not for being able to continue after the second Instant Charge. But to err in favor of giving benefit of the doubt, let's call it a bug.
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Guess we'll have to agree to disagree. Everyone on the Internet is a master coder, afterall.
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First, its improper to assume people only ever use Instant Charge on their first turn of the game. In fact, my opponent used Instant Charge on their second turn in the game in question (there were dead draws on both sides).
Second, "[e]ither they work as they should or they don't depending on the situation" is not only inconsistent with your saying this behavior "wouldn't be intermittent," it is directly opposed to your saying "[c]ard functions have always been consistent" in the previous sentence. Further, it is exactly my point -- bugs aren't consistent across all players at all times.
Third, your presenting anecdotal evidence as to the behavior of Abilities in general and then seeking anecdotal evidence from me about Abilities in general is irrelevant (a) because we're talking about Instant Charge specifically, and (b) because it has nothing to do with the nuts and bolts behind Instant Charge, or any Ability for that matter. Your past experience with Instant Charge or any other Abilities, my past experience with Instant Charge or any other Abilities, or the experience of anyone else with Instant Charge or any other Abilities has no bearing on what happened in that particular time, under that particular server load, etc.
Finally, the only condition on Instant Charge is if you use the Ability, your turn ends. There's no "once per Rotom per turn", "can only use one Instant Charge per turn," "can only use Instant Charge on your first turn of the game", or anything else attached. Therefore, the only way this could be coded for Instant Charge to work properly in the first place is "if use Instant Charge, then Turn Ends." And again, my opponent used Instant Charge for the first time on their second turn of the game, so that puts an end to what seems to be your theory of Instant Charge being improperly conditioned to only work only on the user's first turn.
This was supposed to be a simple Bug Report. Not a trouble shooting/coding theory session with a random person who isn't on the dev team.
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I know its an old thread, but this just happened to me. RotomV ability (Instant Charge) was used and my opponent's turn did not end. They proceeded to Boss Order and knock out my weak ex pokemon. This happened towards the end of the game, I had 1 price card left and my opponent had 2. And funny enough, if the ability worked as described, I would win the match on my turn.
Oh well. I hope devs can dig into this bug.0 -
Use the battle log, is exists now for this reason!