Unable to select an item from Mew's [Celebrations 011/025] Mysterious Tail ability

Brief Overview:
When I used Mew's [Celebrations 011/025] ability Mysterious Tail, there were valid items to select (Battle VIP Pass) But I was unable to select the VIP pass / drag it to the selection box.
Exact Scenario:
On the ranked ladder, I went second against Mew VMAX, leading with Mew in the active position and no Pokémon on bench - I didn't have anymore Pokémon in hand to bench either during the setup phase. (Note: I can't recall if either player took any mulligans or not, nor who won the coin flip and elected to go first or second)
After the Mew VMAX player finished their turn, I drew for the turn and used Mew's Mysterious Tail ability (Note: I did no other actions first - the turn passed to me, I drew to start my turn, and then used Mew's ability)
When in the Mysterious Tail ability screen, only battle VIP pass was available for me to pick (the other 5 cards weren't item cards) when trying to click and drag the VIP pass from the pool of cards to the selected card, I was unable to interact with the VIP pass at all. It wouldn't glow, or do any animations when I left clicked it.
I tried clicking to see the other options from the ability, seeing if I could drag the VIP pass that way, but even then when the VIP pass was next to the other invalid choices I couldn't choose it. I tried multiple ways to try select the VIP pass, to no avail. The action timer for the ability eventually showed up and counted down from 15 seconds to 0. When it hit 0 I could resume play as normal, left clicking cards and dragging them around as intended.
What I tried to do to fix it in the moment:
I also tried hitting the inspect board button, which worked fine (ruling out in my mind that the left click button on my wireless mouse was bugging out - I also tried using the left click on my trackpad which worked fine) so I switched back to the ability screen where I still couldn't interact with the VIP pass. I finally tried Alt+Tabbing out of the game, and then back into the game where it still wouldn't work. I also recorded my laptop for the final 15 second countdown on my phone trying to show that I couldn't interact with the ability
Attempts to replicate:
- The very next game I started with only Mew in play, going second. When it became my turn, I first played a card before using the ability (I can't remember which) and then used Mew's ability - and the ability worked as intended (I had two items to choose from this time)
- A few games later, I went second when leading with Mew and nothing on the bench. (I had a Drapion V in hand which I chose not to bench at the start of the game) After it became by turn and I drew a card and used Mew's ability right immediately - and the ability worked as intended (I had 5 cards to choose from this time)
Misc. Information
This bug occurred in a ranked Ladder match at 10:26 AM EST on March 15th, 2023.
Platform: Windows 11
Version: V
I also experienced this same bug! It's a shame they didn't bother to fix it in the past few months.
For me, Mew's Mysterious Tail found 2 item cards, Battle VIP Pass and Rare Candy. I could select/drag Rare Candy, but NOT Battle VIP Pass. Which was very frustrating because Battle VIP Pass was MUCH better to grab in that situation. I ended up conceding out of frustration.
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This may be an issue with the Battle VIP Pass. I just had the same situation except it was while using Comfey's Flower Selecting ability. I had to select the Nest Ball instead, which was objectively worse than the Battle VIP Pass as it was my first turn. I was able to inspect the board, and able to interact with the Nest Ball, but the Battle VIP Pass wouldn't move when I tapped/dragged it. No blue border or arrow around the card. I am using the mobile app for Android on a Google Pixel 7. This occurred in a ranked Standard match.