I can't search my deck anymore and its gradually getting worse.

For the past 4 days, I'm having trouble searching my deck with cards.
It started with the first Item that searched the deck of each game. Then, it was my first phew searches of specific random cards each game. Like a game, I was not able to use Miraidon ex's Tandem Unit, my Nest Balls, and my Ultra Ball, but I could've used my Arven and my Level Balls. Then it was certain cards worked randomly, but it could affect all cards now. For example, the first nest ball, ultra ball Miraidon ex could not be used, but the Arven afterward and the Ultra Ball afterward worked. But then, the Next Ball and Miraidon that I used next failed. Now, I can't search my deck at all with any cards. All 4 Miraidon ex uses failed, all my ball searches are failing, and all my other search cards failed.
The bugs look like this: When I use a search card that bugs out, it shows, as usual, the cards I'm supposed to search only. But instead of showing any cards, it shows a semi-transparent outline and that's it. I can stroll through the outlines, but I can't even guess if it is my card in the hidden outlines. because under, where I can place my chosen card usually, it's written "No available cards" like when I would use a card like Ultra Ball with no Pokémon in my deck. I can click to check the full deck, but even then, the whole deck becomes this weird semi-opaque black outline instead of cards. I can't choose any target so I must click "Done" without choosing anything because I'm forced to fail my search.
This specific thing is not the only bug affecting my game. Since this bug started:
All my opponents' avatars are now always naked, with holes where their clothes are supposed to be, and without eyes.
I also had a game where when Nest Ball could work, it was only able to search for Raihan, a supporter card. When I took Raihan, it was a Raihan on my bench. When I clicked on it, it quickly became a Radiant Greninja with its Ability ready to be used.
In this same game, I drew a card that only shows the generic backside of a Pokémon card instead of the front. I was not able to interact with this card in my hand. When I clicked on it, it became neon pink. Eventually, I played a Professor's Research, discarding my hand, the card didn't go to my discard pile, instead, it floated over my hand, unable to be clicked on at all. It stayed on my screen until I went back to the title screen, so it stayed even when I showed who won and with the game stats. I suspect this card was Raihan because I only play 1 in the deck and I didn't see it after searching my deck with Lumienon V's Luminous Sign ability and not seeing it and still not seeing it after taking all my Prize Cards. I could not play the mysterious card even when Raihan's condition was met.
When a game starts the game asks me to pick between going first or second before the coin flips, instead of asking me between heads or tail. Then the coin flips and when it's heads I go first, and second when it's tails. At the end of the day, it doesn't matter because it's a 50/50 no matter what, but it's a strange bug regardless.
The bugs happen even when I change decks, even when I change game modes, even if I close and reopen the game, and even if I restart my computer and reopen the game. Now I uninstalled the game and reinstalled the game, AND THE BUGS ARE STILL HAPPENING. I don't know what to do, I'm playing this game daily, and I use it to train for regional events and for testing decks to give out to our local community. I'm at the end of the rope and I'm honestly frustrated and disappointed with what's happening to my, now, unplayable game.
Hi Trainer!
Thank you for your report. I recommend you open a ticket for this issue with the support team. To do so, visit support.pokemon.com then click the Pokémon Trading Card Game Live link. From there click "Contact Us". Please provide any detail you can, such as card expansion and number, to help the support team investigate the issue