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Feedback on Code Redemption

I hate the code redemption system. Is there Anything that can be done?

  1. The number of cards in the booster packs is clearly not correct. Why are there not ten cards in a booster pack? (I'm not even talking about booster packs that are supposed to be small, like Celebrations. 10 card packs are just not giving me ten cards.)
  2. Inputting a code and opening a pack NEED to be separate. Inputting codes is tedious. I like to do it in batches, then open all the cards at once. I hate interrupting my pack opening because I have more than 10 and suddenly need to type more numbers in. I feel like I have no choice and no control over what order I open the packs in.
  3. The animation is VERY slow when opening packs. I don't want to skip the magic of pack opening, but there seems to be no way to turn off the animation or skip past the slow part so I can actually see what pokemon I got. If I click too early, the card disappears without even showing me what pokemon it was.
  4. The animation is also super flashy. I am prone to migraines, and the card opening gave me headaches. The card flashes in multiple different ways. Every card that is new to your collection flashes. The bottom of the screen flashes. The gems flash. It isn't pretty or exciting, it's just bright. I wish I could turn off all the flashing colors. I just want to know what pokemon I got.
  5. The codes no longer tell you why they are not working. After inputting 10 codes, I started receiving messages that none of my codes were working. I thought I might be typing them in wrong. I thought someone might have stolen my codes. I thought I might have accidentally typed the same codes in twice. It turns out you can only redeem 10 codes at a time. The system did not inform me of that rule at all. 45 minutes of stress and frustration could have been solved if the codes just told me what the problem was. I understand if they don't want to say a code has been claimed by another account due to privacy and scamming reasons. I believe the game should at least notify you when you don't even have the right number of digits for a code due to a typo, or when the code is valid but you hit your redemption limit of ten.

I feel powerless and hopeless. Opening packs online is not a fun experience anymore.


  • DoubleCure
    DoubleCure Member Posts: 1,618 ✭✭✭✭✭
    1000 Comments 500 Likes 500 Agrees 250 LOLs

    Regarding the 5th point... I would like to point out the code redemption feedback in game should be the same as via website redemption.

    Through the website there is better error handling, giving the user better feedback on code typing mistakes. In game it's always the same message for every possible typing/scaning error.

    Can you improve the error handling in game?

  • Mom_Bot
    Mom_Bot Member Posts: 1
    First Comment

    the packs being less than 10 cards is a serious problem. The pack opening is really frustrating. I would like to be able to save packs to open with my kiddos but if I even click to look at something it immediately starts the opening process and theres no way to stop it.