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Please fix issues with timeout functionality.

I have said this before, and many others have as well. This is either an exploit, a bug, or possibly both. I have had this happen more times than I can count and every time it is brought up on here it is waved away with "you have connectivity issues, so don't play without a better connection" except its not.

In this game, my opponent miscalculated damage (they missed the Gardevoir) on my Lugia VStar with their own and therefore didn't get the knockout and fell behind. Their next turn they played Luminion to search and nothing happened. About 5 minutes later they flashed the "frown" emote and nothing else happened. The timer hitting 0 does nothing and I had to concede to get out. I have had this happen with just about every card that searches.

Fix your game please.


  • TechHog
    TechHog Member Posts: 2,901 ✭✭✭✭✭
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    The issue isn't the timer. The game desynced and couldn't recover, forcing you to need to restart the app.

  • zdrex007
    zdrex007 Member Posts: 11
    5 Agrees Name Dropper First Comment

    If its desynced, why is my opponent able to emote at me 5 minutes in? That would imply that it desynced, recovered, showed their emote, and then promptly desynced again.

    Regardless, it needs to be fixed as the number of games I have lost due to it is excessive, even for a Beta.

  • TechHog
    TechHog Member Posts: 2,901 ✭✭✭✭✭
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    They didn't create any kind of desync protection or fallback, so my guess is that it reconnected but couldn't restore the game state. It's not a timer bug for sure. They sent that emote because they were stuck too.

  • Arkaxis
    Arkaxis Member Posts: 1
    First Comment
    edited May 2023 #5

    It's a bug and an exploit some cheater use to win when they cannot do it playing the game

    It happened to me right now, an opponent searched with a nest ball and them nothing, kept sending me emojis for like 5min then stopped.

    He had only one pokemon against a full bench miraidon deck I have

  • TechHog
    TechHog Member Posts: 2,901 ✭✭✭✭✭
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    No, it's not an exploit. This happens as a result of a desync and is triggered by some kind of connection issue, either on your end or the server's end.