Gardevoir ex not able to attach

During a game against Goodra Lostbox, I played down a Gardevoir ex followed by a Zacian V (psychic type) but when I tried to use Gardevoir ex's ability, I was able to attach it to my 2 Gardevoir and my 2 kirlia, but not able to attach to my Zacian. Also, I was unable to click done using the ability until I attached an energy to one of the Pokemon.
I've had this happen as well. I had previously recovered zacian via miriam so I don't know if it had something to do with it being knocked out, then going to my deck (via miriam) then back to my hand. Either way, it's really hard to play gardevoir ex at the moment with all the attachment bugs
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it doesn't have to return to the deck, the same bug happens if you recover your zacian V with klara.
Also, it looks like it only happens if the pokemon was ko'd last turn.