Genuine Feedback

I'm putting this here because this entire page seems to be bug reports and no feedback.
ATTENTION: I highly suggest selecting to reduce board FX to help with lag because wow does it make a difference
- Game looks nice, it's pretty sleek
- You can't buy any specific cards with real world currency. You can only get them with earned currency. When I saw the multiple forms of currency, I got really worried that would be the case. I appreciate them not turning it into a play to win game
- It successfully transferred MOST of my card (Specifics in the negatives section)
- The deck testing AI has improved greatly, it feels like it's doing human thinking sometimes.
- Once I reduced the board FX, all of the effects looked great.
- I really like the development of ranked matches and casual matches, it helps me find what I'm looking for.
- The game's practically the same but with some really cool enhancements, which is what a takeover like this is supposed to be. So great job! I can't wait to see where it moves once it gets past Beta!
- You can't copy decks from your original game because once it's transferred you can't access the old game anymore
- The game is incredibly laggy, more than likely from the constantly moving 3d animations, which makes matches borderline boring (hopefully this is fixed with patches) I wish there was a way to turn them off
- You can't click through victory animations like you could in the last game, which is annoying because it's extremely laggy and takes forever
- You have to drag cards into place instead of just clicking them like the last game which is annoying both because the game is super laggy and because dragging gets annoying when you know just clicking it was a previous option
- A lot of the older cards are just straight up gone (which is probably why they're bringing back EXs) and a bunch of my rare arts got turned into normals which made me really sad
- You can't hover over tools/special energies/buffs and debuffs. All that gets you is the pokemon's card. In order to see them you have to click on the card and scroll to the tool/special energy or click on an extra tab to see buffs/debuffs. Not only does that waste your time in your turn, but if it's your opponent's turn and you try it, when the pokemon attacks, it closes out of everything and you have to do it again but during your turn this time.
- This one's just a personal grievance I've had with the card game for ages. I wish there was a limit on how many V/V Star/V Max/Tag Team/etc. you could have in one deck. Nothing is more annoying than a legendary spammer.
Overall, I do think this was a much needed update to the older version. I hope as development continues a few of the old functions I mentioned get added in to make the experience a little smoother. I wouldn't be surprised if they were already in the works but just haven't been put in yet. Great great work!
Hello Trainer, You have made very great points on what the positives about the game such as the look , and what we would need to work on such as not being able to transfer decks from the previous version of the game. If you would like to submit feedback to the Support Team, feel free to do so at . We would love to hear it.
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I agree with many things but "Game looks nice, it's pretty sleek"? come on...
By "game" you don't mean the cards and the board do you?
The cards look very bad comparing with TCG Online specially the full art reflections. And the board looks very outdated with so much wasted space in Desktop.
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A lot of the older cards are just straight up gone (which is probably why they're bringing back EXs) and a bunch of my rare arts got turned into normals which made me really sad
Okay, a few things need to be corrected here.
The only older cards that are gone are the ones from the HGSS era. BW and XY cards are still in the game, but aren't yet functional. You won't see them if your filter is set for Expanded; you need to have it set to all.
They didn't bring back Pokémon-EX. Pokémon ex is a completely different mechanic. Also, nobody at TPCi has any say in what cards are created, so this game will never be an indicator of the TCG's direction or plans.
Your alt arts are still there. Click on the regular art, then click the Available drop-down below the card.
This one's just a personal grievance I've had with the card game for ages. I wish there was a limit on how many V/V Star/V Max/Tag Team/etc. you could have in one deck. Nothing is more annoying than a legendary spammer.
And again, you're talking to people who have absolutely no control over this.
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One thing I should mention in regards to the problems list you’ve posted, in this case the part about missing older cards, is that Live groups cards in a somewhat funky way on the deck-building page. When seeing cards in on the deck-building page’s Card Library the displayed version is the lowest rarity you own while the decklist itself will list the version you have the most of in deck (with a possible addition of it also being the oldest version).
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Very fair and balanced review. I think the lagging/ performance issues is my biggest gripe right now too.
"You can't hover over tools/special energies/buffs and debuffs."
This is a great point and hopefully something they can improve on soon.
"A lot of the older cards are just straight up gone (which is probably why they're bringing back EXs) and a bunch of my rare arts got turned into normals which made me really sad"
This actually isn't the case, all of your cards will have transferred, it's just hard to view them. The filters are set to standard only, so you won't see any expanded cards when building a deck (the only way to view your collection). In terms of different rarities, they are hidden behind the minimum rarities of that card.
So if you want to see your full art Melony, you have to click on the Melony when trying to add it to your deck and then go onto "Available" then it will show you all the different versions of that card, and how many of each version you own.