Deck builder and card library issues

Member Posts: 1 ✭
There are a couple of problems with the deckbuilding and card library GUI which I'd like to see changed:
- When editing a deck, your deck (which should be the focus point of this action) is displayed in a small side bar, while the majority of the screen estate is taken up by the card library. I suggest swapping the amount of screen real estate of the deck and the library to more clearly show where the focus lies in the deck editing screen.
- Cards in deck are illogically ordered; evolution lines are not bundled, so aren't the different types of trainer cards eg. items, tools , stadiums and supporters.
- Cards in the deckbuilder are only shown with the most default artwork, even if you have chosen multiple different artworks for the same card. I would like to see all artworks in a glance without having to go into another menu to select different artworks.
- Cards in the in library are only shown with the most default artwork, I would like to see all artworks in a glance without having to go into another menu to select different artworks.
- Evolution lines are not easily found; when clicking on pokémon there is no clear way in finding the complete evolutionary line of said pokémon, which can make it difficult to find all available options when building a deck.
- Search engine in the card library is not very robust; for example if I want to search for a pokémon that discards energy with an attack I could search the terms "discard" "energy" "opponent's" "active" and this would find me all the results of pokémon with any sort of attack or ability that discards energy in PTCGO. However the ptc live search engine requires exact text, if I would use the same search terms "discard" "energy" "opponent's" "active" I would find nothing because there is no cards with that exact sequence of words on it.
I agree with every point except 3. Not sure if this is a common opinion or just me, but i always tried to get 4 copies of the same artwork in ptcgo because i didn't like the game showing 2 of the same cards as different cards just because they were different prints, it just made looking at my deck more confusing.
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Fix the search!
Using multiple words to find cards would be nice to have back. The old search code was much better.
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crazy that the search is still an issue a year and a half after this post