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Will there be a non-V mode? I'm new and V-cards aren't fun.



  • Nubnubbud
    Nubnubbud Member Posts: 8
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    @TechHog I said, I just threw the deck together to win. I don't like it and didn't put any thought into it, really. I'm not really sure of the meta-technical differences between the balls, but I just didn't want one with a downside, and that's the great ball.

    how am I slowing it down? there are lots of cards to draw others in there, and I always have the option to discard them too, and I can usually power up blissey till it one-shots things in one turn... I don't get how pulling out an enemy lugia-v and downing it by turn 3 is slow, unless you mean that it can become a lugia-v-max by turn 2, but that's part of my contention here, that the v-cards are just pokemon but... better. like, why use something that goes from 60hp to 100hp to 140hp, with an attack of 120, when you can just put out something with 220 attack and 240hp before the first turn?

  • Edurandomnumber
    Edurandomnumber Member Posts: 331 ✭✭✭
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    @Nubnubbud great ball downside is inconsistency, you won't always hit a pokémon, and when you find one, it won't be the pokemon you need every time. If anything, i say that's a worse downside than quick ball or ultra ball, since discarding energy plays really well with blissey's attack, and if you think your hand is never big enough to use them, you could try adding more ways to draw cards, like extra copies of research or some copies of marnie.

    And your feeling of "evolution should be more important in the game instead of just playing big basics" is something a decent amount of the player base shares, funny enough i think is more common to hear that from veterans than from newer players.

    Thankfully for you, the new scarlet and violet series (which starts with the first set at the end of march) is a lot more focus in evolving and come backs, rather than the agressiveness of basic pokemon and the pseudo-stage 1's Vstars and Vmaxes. If you like the game but don't enjoy the current deck's you're facing, maybe you could try the game again later once Scarlet and Violet releases.

    Also, important to mention, once Scarlet and Violet releases, we will have a rotation, losing every card from the first 4 sets of sword and shield, including cards like Zacian V, Zamazenta V, and a lot of cards currently played in the Blissey V decks and Lugia V decks you seem to face multiple times, so maybe you'll find the game a lot more enjoyable once that happens.

    Pokémon Is a really enjoyable game to play and i hope the negative responses you've receive doesn't make you think otherwise. We are not trying to stop you from playing the game the way you want or using the cards you think are better, just trying to guide you away from your misconceptions of how the game really is, because the game is going to be really different once you leave the lower tiers of the ladder and you start playing against experience players.

  • TechHog
    TechHog Member Posts: 2,901 ✭✭✭✭✭
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    @Nubnubbud A lot of people aren't happy with the meta, but that's just how the game is. You'll have to just stick to casual and play with friends if you want a slower game without the meta.

    And yes, attacking on turn 3 is slow. You have to be really new to not see that getting nowhere until turn 3 is very slow. An actual Lugia deck would be down to 2 prizes by that point, while you're struggling to get one KO.

    Also, you are playing no Ultra Ball or Quick Ball, but you're playing a single Great Ball... for some reason. Any wins you had were pure luck.

  • TechHog
    TechHog Member Posts: 2,901 ✭✭✭✭✭
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    And the downside to Great Ball is that you only get to look at a few cards. Being able to search the entire deck is worth a discard or two. If you can't see that you're way too new to TCGs.

  • FersureMatt
    FersureMatt Member Posts: 7
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    Crazy how people cant have a dicussion without fighting..

  • KDC_Creative
    KDC_Creative Member Posts: 1
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    kinda late to this forum but i agree with op wholeheartedly, i have no idea what got into some of the others here but wow it was just a dogpile for the sake of it. if u see this op you can hire me and my no-v luxray deck, which im trying really hard to make semi-viable, to whap those guys

  • FavorsFairies
    FavorsFairies Member Posts: 1
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    I agree that what I am looking for is playing Pokemon the way it was intended during the early days, before the traditional characters became nearly useless. I don't appreciate the V or Vmax cards, they take all the fun out of it. I have been dabbling with the online stuff because I got the codes with decks I bought recently, but I have mostly been collecting used cards and building FAIR decks out of it for the family to use. To even the playing field, each deck has one or two evolution cards but mostly basic Pokemon that most people would call rubbish that will never be useful for competitive play. I cap the abilities into a balanced deck and allow none of the fancy superpowered cards, but some trainer, stadium, and special energy cards. There are multiple decks to choose from, and people can select any of their choice from 200 cards from one or two elements. I was enjoying the online version a little bit but I'm getting sick of it fast because of all the V cards. I probably won't stick with it for long because of the pure imbalance and the way the old-fashioned fun is spoiled constantly. If they made an option for people who wish to exclude the unbalanced new cards, that is the place I'd choose to play because I want to play a game that uses wits and not money or luck.

  • TechHog
    TechHog Member Posts: 2,901 ✭✭✭✭✭
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  • IseTheHuman
    IseTheHuman Member Posts: 3
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    I also think a 1-prize mode would be a good idea, simply because there are a lot of players who would enjoy it.

    I feel this discussion should not be about the strength of specific decks. Of course you could beat 2-prize decks with some 1-prize decks. But the 1-prize decks which can achieve that seem very limited to me.

    The mode would lead to more diverse and interesting new decks. Otherwise weak cards would get their chance to shine and be useful once again. And isn't building new innovative decks, and fighting against them, the most fun?

    Nobody would loose anything, it would just be another mode to make many people very happy. So please don't hate on all the people who are suggesting it.

    Yes, maybe it would be hard or impossible for the devs to implement, maybe it would be easy. But please don't stop asking for the mode, until the devs hear it.

    Please stop suggesting to just "play with like-minded friends" (everyone wants prizes), to just play something else, or to use a specific deck. It would be an enjoyable mode with some refreshing new decks.

    It is a good idea.

  • Corruption44
    Corruption44 Member Posts: 1
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    Seems like a pretty easy problem to fix:
    Just stop making v/vmax/ex/gx/qx/wafflex cards for a few sets and let the current ones rotate out of standard.