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Another bug

I can not take any action except restart the app. There are so many times that I can not do anything, no notification about if I win or not, when the opponent surrender.


  • trainerJNLY
    trainerJNLY Member Posts: 20
    First Answer 10 Comments Photogenic Name Dropper

    @murasaki007966 Yup, this seems to be a common trend of cards getting "suspended" mid-action, freezing your ability to do anything. I myself had a similar incident where I selected my active to go retreat, and then my active Pokemon was stuck hovering there. I eventually timed out, my opponent played out their turn. On my next turn my active was still stuck, even after playing search cards. The issue resolved itself when my opponent used escape rope, though I expect that some situations like yours may never resolve. It seems to be a very pervasive, critical bug affecting almost any kind of action the player takes.