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gardevoir ex psychic embrace/ klara

something is broken with psychic embrace or with ko'd pokemon or klara or maybe all cards in discard or supporters that grab from discard

my board stage at beginning of my turn is newly promoted greninja after my active SA gardevoir was ko'd. greninja active gardevoir ex and kirlia on bench. i play klara from hand to get SA gardevoir, zacian V and 1 psy energy from discard. manually retreat greninja into benched kirlia. kirlia in active. activate refinement discard prof res. evolve into SA gardevoir (the one previously in discard). i play psychic embrace to attach to SA gardevoir but game only allows me to attach to gardevoir ex.

im not too sure but it seams that maybe when im getting the gardi that got ko'd from the discard its coming back into play with 100% damage.

please fix.


  • Edurandomnumber
    Edurandomnumber Member Posts: 331 ✭✭✭
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    Same thing happens if you recover a pokemon with Miriam.

  • FG17
    FG17 Member Posts: 2
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    so thats actually crazier. they go thru a cycle in the deck and still comeback damaged.

    im wondering if its affecting interactions with basin, or the likes of old cemetery

  • Edurandomnumber
    Edurandomnumber Member Posts: 331 ✭✭✭
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    The game may set a flag preventing psychic embrace once the pokemon reaches less than 20 hp to prevent you from ko your own pokemon, and that flag may remain even after the pokemon leaves the field.

    I wouldn't be surprised if this is actually the reason.

    They don't have a good record of removing flags from cards after they leave the field (if anyone remembers the problem the game had a few months ago with the 1 prize hisuian zoroark and Echoing horn).

  • MilkyHexy
    MilkyHexy Member Posts: 1
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    I had a similar error where after using Miriam to shuffle a KOd Gardevoir-ex back into the deck and evolving it it was unable to use Psychic Embrace on itself despite being at full HP.

  • TechHog
    TechHog Member Posts: 2,901 ✭✭✭✭✭
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    So these guys can't figure out how to set a flag for being KO'D last turn, but they set a flag for this, which should have been a simple if statement??? Are these like... high school interns or something?