Complete without concede quest feedback.

Please remove all quests associated with "complete # matches without conceding"
These quests are nothing but trouble, they waste people's time and lead to people griefing others.
I'm sure I'm not the only one tired of finding themself in a losing match but waiting till the natural end so they can complete the quest only for their opponent to recognize they are going to win and instead drag the match out as long as possible to toy with their opponent for whatever reason they feel (aka - Griefing).
Furthermore, conceding is supposed to be a way of not wasting people's time, we are all busy people in our own ways and we can all have more fun by accepting we will lose and moving on to the next match where we can try again (or whatever thing IRL we are moving onto) it makes no sense to have a quest that forces people to waste their time in a match they've already been defeated in.
Also, if we are just going to be hitting the button to replace that quest anyways, what is the point of the quest even existing? It just ends up wasting space in the game's data.
Please remove these types of quests.
You're right they might be trying to complete a different quest, but in an online setting where you cannot text with each other it is difficult to know for sure, and in the interest of pointing out other possibilities I have spoken with some that are just wanting to play a certain combo before ending things. Also, I think it can be safe to assume they are toying with their opponent when they are spamming the emotes in between each action which takes just long enough before the next action to prevent the auto turn end.
I'm not assuming everyone shares my opinion, I said I'm sure I'm not the only one, suggesting that there is likely at least 1 other person out there who does share this opinion, the intent for stating this is for anyone else who does share this opinion to please add your voice so TPCI can have proper feedback on this.
And that is why I am even bothering to post this, because the game is still in Beta and we should all be giving feedback in order for them to properly adjust the game to make it better. If you disagree with the idea of removing these quests that is fine, your opinion is just as valuable as mine and will be just as valuable of feedback as my own.
In the interest of giving the proper feedback to TPCI, perhaps you could offer constructive information as to why you feel these kinds of quests should remain. Maybe a viewpoint I am not considering because my feedback is based on my own viewpoint.
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"Complete x matches without conceding" is my favorite daily mission, it means i can just play normally without having to worry about what i am doing. The games don't even have to be in a row, you can consider the mission as "win x number of matches" if you want to concede games you are about to lose.
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thank you, this is good constructive feedback and is a better way to look at it that I was not thinking of.
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Please do NOT implement this feedback, unless other measures are added to not penalize the winner when the opponent concedes.
Recommended alternatives:
- Either give full XP / Game Pass progression points to the winner as though all 6 prizes were taken
- Switch Conceding to process at the end of a turn (after final prize cards would be taken in the event of a final blow)
- Switch conceding to only be possible during your own turn.
Its become very difficult to progress through the game pass tiers due to the rampant conceding, many of which wait until after the last blow before prize cards are taken, seemingly just to rob the winner of progression at the last moment
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This has come up before but concession not being locked to that player's turn is in fact Allowed in the game irl. And removing it wouldn't actually stop people doing it anyway because closing the client forces an auto concede (or, occasionally, causes a disconnect that effectively softlocks the match so the timer running down does nothing. Which. Yknow. Wastes time.)
this is honestly the easiest quest to clear because if your opponent concedes it still counts as a completed match *for you*. Literally all you have to do is actually finish (x) games and personally i find it a lot more annoying to refresh the quest and get one that forces me to switch decks for it to even be doable.