Pokemon ex evaluated as if they were Pokemon V

V guard energy reduces damage done by Pokemon ex as if they were Pokemon V
Choice Belt deals 30 more damage to Pokemon ex as if they were Pokemon V
I haven't missed anything.
In one game Mew VMAX used Cross Fusion Strike and copied the Genesect V attack which normally does 210 damage. However the Choice Belt made the attack do 240 damage which knocked my Miraidon ex out in a single strike.
In the other match my Miraidon ex got his attack reduced from the V guard energy attached to the opponent's Oinkologne ex
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I am unclear why you are so certain ivos just missed something. I can assure you I have run into the same on multiple occasions. Most recently in fact was via Mew VMAX/Miraidon as stated above. I am 100% certain there were no other effects in play…board state closely inspected, as well as discard pile, numbers calculated. Choice belt has been bugged on either side (working when it shouldn’t or not working when it should) since I started the beta.
Given all the bugs/glitches, you seem far too certain that something must have just been overlooked..
This card is an issue that needs addressing.
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Because 50% of the bugs reported here end up being people just not reading cards, and because all of these effects have been working properly for me 100% of the time.
The game being so broken means that, when something happens that you don't expect, you automatically assume it's another bug and don't even bother verifying. I just push for this because I don't want the devs wasting time looking for bugs that don't exist when there are so many actual bugs.
Pokémon ex are not being recognized as V. If they were, that whole issue with the putting V into play quest never would have happened and there'd be way more posts about it. These also would never be intermittent issues. It would either happen every time or never.
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There's no way for an issue like this to be intermittent. When a game is this broken, people tend to blame everything on glitches right away. I'm willing to play some games with you to test it, but this sort of thing would have tons of threads if it were true.
No, there haven't been any glitches with the functionality of individual quests other than when the text was wrong last month.