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Kirlia just froze, hung in the air while my opponent got their turn

During my turn I attempted a Refinement. The Kirlia in the 2nd spot on my bench just hung there ... I had no options to press anything. After a while, my opponent was able to go about their turn and knock out my Cresselia.



  • TechHog
    TechHog Member Posts: 2,871 ✭✭✭✭✭
    2500 Comments 500 Agrees 250 Likes 50 Answers

    They really needed to hold the release of the game another 4 years.

  • Frade
    Frade Member Posts: 12
    10 Comments First Answer First Anniversary Name Dropper

    I've seen the same bug several times with different cards.

    I suspect it's not specific to any card.

  • RenegadeTQ
    RenegadeTQ Member Posts: 2
    First Comment

    Same thing happened to me except it was after I used Raikou V's Fleet-Footed ability. He hovered, my OPPONENT drew a card instead of me, and then I couldn't move. My opponent also couldn't move and kept emoted but we kept drawing cards. I luckily drew a card that I could play but I still couldn't attack and I eventually won because my opponent was "inactive" (he was very active on the emotes however...lol)

  • Begbie00
    Begbie00 Member Posts: 3
    First Comment

    Part 2. Research hangs on my turn, turn changes over, Goodra player bosses up my Gardy for a free KO. What terrible software ... how the dev team got the game engine this wrong is beyond me.