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This does not feel like a TCG.

A TCG is not only about battles, battle formats, ranks, ladders and fighting it should have a more casual side for someone that wants to enjoy the art of the cards or just want to "catch em all" , as we used to say as kids..

I didn't have big hopes for the collectable aspect of the game, but this falls far short.  A Trading Card Game is supposed to be designed to have the aggregate feeling that a physically purchased card or booster would give you,

- Aside from the trading aspect that is non existent any more. It should also produce a sense of fulfillment in you.

-The Online had these fundamentals correct, you could go to your collection and stare at all the cards you have or didn't have, apreciate the art on every card.. There isn't even a collection tab here to begin with..

-Then you could also check your statistics to see which Sets you have completed displayed like badges that you wear with honour among other trainers and which Sets you are close to completing, like the way you would do in with a physical TCG.

-Another major disappointment is that we are losing another important feature of a TCG here.. Because everyone, I believe, can agree that the instant you open the booster pack is half the fun of any TCG! Again the Online at least felt more realistic and closer to reality than this half assed animation in Live.

-And at last. What if I want to collect 20 or 50 booster packs and open them with my partner while getting excited if a rare appears. Why does it have to be opened automatically when you buy or redeem it? That's also a big L for me.


  • TechHog
    TechHog Member Posts: 2,901 ✭✭✭✭✭
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    So, basically you're a collector but want to collect worthless digital cards instead of the physical ones?

  • ListlessBebop
    ListlessBebop Member Posts: 20
    10 Comments First Anniversary 5 Agrees First Answer

    Yep….Live is soulless.

  • TheLaterna
    TheLaterna Member Posts: 3
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    I am primarily a collector and the way the game is designed absolutely excludes me from it, which is not very smart for a game that is known for its collection component rather than its gameplay and mechanics.

    Why is it a bad idea to include the collectible aspect in an online TCG game?

  • TechHog
    TechHog Member Posts: 2,901 ✭✭✭✭✭
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    Look up Pokemon TCG Card Dex. That's the app for collectors.

  • Eravane
    Eravane Member Posts: 1
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    I agree. I like battling and competing, but he's right, one of the fun things about a tcg is collecting and showing off what u got, another is right there in the name! "Tradable" Card Game. Being able to swap cards with friends has always been a major part of collectable card games.

  • TheLaterna
    TheLaterna Member Posts: 3
    Name Dropper First Comment Photogenic

    I'm familiar with this app, you either didn't understand my points or didn't read the whole post. 

    I don't want to just look at the cards. I can search for all of the cards, expansions, and promo cards i want on Google. I believe my points are sufficiently apparent to explain them again.

  • Bhadeti
    Bhadeti Member Posts: 1
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    I completely agree, most card games have gone this route and has been a major disappointment for me as well, leaving me to usually leave the games after a short time cause it is just left to be a stale game limited to how much you can afford to put in for new cards. Granted most of what is needed in Live is handed do you from my experience this far, it is still left without the social and trading I expect from a card game. Magic the Gathering has done the same with their Magic Arena which is generally formatted the same way. But another downside to me is the game seems to have gotten “simplified”. Granted I have not played Pokémon in many many years, but it seems to me that the game has become so simplified that realistically all decks are now throw all your cards into the graveyard, pull what you need out and first to kill wins. It’s just a speed game at this point with no real strategy involved. Games literally last 5 minutes in this standard format. I might just go back to playing mtgo. There’s no true value in Pokémon Live, I had no idea what the merge was either when I logged into it, so all of my account was already merged would have prepared better prior to if I knew I couldn’t access the original client. But it is what it is.

  • Howsurmomdoin
    Howsurmomdoin Member Posts: 1
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    @thelaterna ... I agree with you that the old version is way better. I spent a hour looking for my collection, but as you said , there isn't a collection tab. No trading in a "trading card game" is bazaar. It looks like now another pay to play game app. Me and my kid like to open the packs together, so another strike against the game for me.

    I will probably just play old version till they close it down and not bother with this new version. They just made everything more complicated for no reason. I find myself more frustrated playing it than anything else. I'd rate this version a 3/10. Even thats being a lil generous. lol