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If you where a gym leader, what pokemon would you use and what would your gym be like?



  • sillysloan2
    sillysloan2 Member Posts: 21
    10 Comments First Anniversary 5 Likes 5 Agrees

    I would be a dragon gym as the 8th and final gym, my team would consist of 5 pokemon which are......... Dragonair (dragon dance, Dragon tail, Body slam, Aqua tail), Dragonite (dragon dance, Dragon Claw, Body Slam, Hurricane), Flygon (Sandstorm, Dragon Claw, Earths Power, Dragon Dance), Kommo-o (bulk up, Dragon Dance, Close Combat, Outrage) And My Ace Hydreigon (Tri Attack, Dragon Dance, Dragon Rush And either Flamethrower, Hydropump or Solar beam depending on the starter you chose)

  • Preciza
    Preciza Member Posts: 53
    10 Comments 5 Agrees 5 Likes First Answer

    Psychic is lieterally the best type so I would be a psychic gym leader (preferably the last) and my team would be:

    espathra (lv 59)

    oranguru (lv60)

    Espeon (lv60)

    Metagross (lv61)

    Galarian Slowking (lv 62)

    My gym challenge would be a maze where you would have to reach the Center of it and defeat a gym trainer with three Pokémon.

    My gym would be located in some extremely isolated place with a lot of level 50-60 Pokémon wandering around nearby

  • Catcatmyoop
    Catcatmyoop Member Posts: 22
    10 Comments 5 Likes Name Dropper Photogenic

    I would be 1st poison type gym leader of Kalos in Santalune City, replacing Viola. Using Whilipede and Beedrill.

  • L_LostWord
    L_LostWord Member Posts: 859 ✭✭✭
    500 Comments 5 Answers 25 Agrees 25 LOLs
  • Eremas
    Eremas Member Posts: 1,556 ✭✭✭✭
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    It would be the Yapping Den with Yapping types and lots of toxicity. 😏 🫵

  • Voltareon2012
    Voltareon2012 Member Posts: 97 ✭✭✭
    25 Likes 10 Comments First Answer 5 LOLs

    I'd be electric with a Rotom team: one of every Rotom form!

  • L_LostWord
    L_LostWord Member Posts: 859 ✭✭✭
    500 Comments 5 Answers 25 Agrees 25 LOLs

    Psychic type. You'll see with my position as the second elite four in the whole story thingy

  • dragonitebeam
    dragonitebeam Member Posts: 49
    10 Comments First Anniversary First Answer 5 Agrees

    I'd be a Psychic type gym leader and my gym would be based off of a library.

    My gym challenge would be that you have to run around the library, finding dropped books and delivering them to an Abra who would then teleport them to their correct spot. If you get in a trainer battle while navigating the labyrinth, there will be a noise meter that appears in the corner of your screen. If you exceed the noise meter with loud moves, then you will be ejected from the library and fail the gym challenge.

    When you finally get to me, it will be a single battle with my team being Galarian slowking, Mr Rime, Armarouge, Malamar, and a tera Psychic Mettagross. For beating me, you will get an Abra, a TM for Psychic Noise, and 100 psychic tera shards.