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Battle vip pass is not working

Every time i always play the deck that includes battle vip pass it doesn't work it shows invalid even though there are basics in the deck. makes the deck unplayable help



  • Avarita
    Avarita Member Posts: 6
    First Comment

    Weird. Never seen that one. Are you by any chance trying to use VIP pass after turn one?

  • Megaarvydeo
    Megaarvydeo Member Posts: 3
    First Comment Name Dropper

    no on first turn every time i use alt art mew or manaphy nad they just don't work

  • Tenloves
    Tenloves Member Posts: 6
    First Comment Name Dropper

    It happens to me too all the time, playing on PC Windows 10. Works properly on Android phone tho.

  • Juzamous
    Juzamous Member Posts: 1
    First Comment

    Hey there ...

    Same issue here (Sometime with battle VIP, sometime with Hyperball, or anything designed for searching in the deck ...)

    Here is a screenshot of a NigoMix saying no valid target, even with 46 card remaining in deck :

    I already try to delete the game and install again,but nothing change ...

  • vrgasek
    vrgasek Member Posts: 1
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    The same thing is happening to me. Every time I use the Battle VIP Pass on my first turn, no card images are displayed and I can't select a card in any way. Only the black silhouettes are visible, but they are not clickable.

  • VmaxSkittlez
    VmaxSkittlez Member Posts: 44 ✭✭
    Name Dropper 5 Agrees First Answer 5 Likes

    It's a known issue, has been for over a year now. Devs don't care or aren't smart enough to fix. Avatar sunglasses though...

  • TechHog
    TechHog Member Posts: 2,758 ✭✭✭✭
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    It's also possible that they can't recreate the issue.

  • VmaxSkittlez
    VmaxSkittlez Member Posts: 44 ✭✭
    Name Dropper 5 Agrees First Answer 5 Likes

    If they can't, it's because they don't play their own game. Deck search issues, collectively, are probably the most raised topic in the forums.

  • VmaxSkittlez
    VmaxSkittlez Member Posts: 44 ✭✭
    Name Dropper 5 Agrees First Answer 5 Likes

    If they can't, it's because they don't play their own game. Deck search issues, collectively, are probably the most raised topic in the forums.

  • NesquikZA
    NesquikZA Member Posts: 3
    First Comment Name Dropper

    I found a fix that worked for me, if you copy a premade deck and then modify it with you deck selection cards then it all works fine. Issue is with building a deck from scratch, copy a premade deck and modify your card selection.