Pokemon Forums Story 8th Gym Challenge
That would be great, I'd love to write an all-out battle between him and Jax. I guess I'd have to pick out most of Jax's team though, besides Blastoise.
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Should I start right away?
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I think you should though if @Resilient30 comes while you are writing (since he has been absent for a month) you should probably ask them what Pokémon they want the rival to have
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It's done!!!
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Here's a short section on Pawmo's evolution:
Arlo walked the path to Victory Road with Pawmo following at his side, the wind nipping at both of them. Should’ve brought a thicker jacket, he thought as Pawmo ran off. Pawmo seemed determined to evolve into Pawmot as fast as possible and had been running around ever since their final gym battle against Randall and his Magikarp. He also took every excuse to battle and would take on the wild pokémon on the road. As Arlo watched rap up a battle against a Rookidee, he noticed Pawmo begin to shudder. Pawmo then shone brilliantly and, after Arlo could see again (It is not recommended to watch a shiny pokémon evolve without sunglasses on) there stood an energetic Pawmot!
“Alright, Pawmot!” Arlo exclaimed, exited to see his friend evolve. After a high five, they walked straight to the gate to victory road.