Trading Post Pokémon TCG Pocket
Already sent the card! will be waiting the Zapdos, thanks dude (;
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I need a Cresselia.
I can give a Articuno, Zapdos, Jolteon, Eelectross, Mewtwo, Aerodactyl, Serperior, Vaporeon (MI), Raichu (MI), or Tauros (MI)
My friend id is 9123951856599382 . Add me if interested and tell me here which one you want. If there's some other 3 diamond card you want for Cresselia, let me know and I'll see if I have it.
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Looking to complete STS and I'm missing this cards:
∆∆: Staraptor, Volkner and Dawn.
∆∆∆: Torterra, Empoleon, Glaceon, Rhyperior and Rampardos.
ID: 8197621161350569
Add me if you have any and see if I have something of your interest!
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@Bwowchikabow I've added you. I'm Alfy. I can give you Jolteon for Cresselia if you have it. Thanks.
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Hey Nutrical! I'll trade you a Leaf support for a Brock support!