What's your favorite region?

Kalos is, in my opinion, the best one. It's not just one path like Unova/Galar, it has a lot of cities that have a reason to exist outside of having a gym (Paldea is my least favourite because of how little cities there are despite how huge the region in. Why does Zapapico even exist. In Kalos, even non-gym cities at least have interesting stories and are fun to explore. But Paldea? Not even the big cities like Mesagoza and Levincia have anything in them. It's just empty.), everywhere is gorgeous, there's a lot to explore, and I could probably just wander around Lumiose for hours (this is not an exaggeration. Lumiose was big and had a lot of places you could explore and things to do. And also amazing music).
Sure, XY is extremely easy and its story isn't really good, but it's still one of my favourite games ever because the Kalos region is amazing (and also, XY is really fun to play. I've probably played XY more than BW2 or HGSS, it has a lot of minigames and similar things and the clothes are cool).
Honourable mention to Hoenn. The only place I don't like in it is the road between Mauville and Fortree.
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People always say Kalos's story doesn't make sense or isn't good. I thought it made sense fine and was really well written. Same for Galar. People say the story makes no sense but I understand it fine. I could explain both right now, if someone asks.
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It's not hard to understand the story in my opinion.
I don't think it's bad. I just don't think it's great. It's ok, but not REALLY good like Sun and Moon or Black and White.
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I liked XY Team Flare story. People always say the story makes no sense but I understand it fine. They intend to reshape the world by wiping out all humans besides the 'chosen ones' (just Team Flare members) and eliminate all Pokémon in the process because Lysandre thinks they are a major point of greed. After getting beat by the player, Shauna tries to make him see light, fails, and Lysandre tries to fire the ultimate weapon without full charge, and kills himself. Honestly, Kalos's storyline was a little dark too. If you try to go to the route with the stones, the Team Flare grunts block the path and say things like "No! I won't listen to the Pokémon's cries!" They're literally sucking their life force out over there.
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I don't think it's bad, I just don't think it's great. It's a pretty normal Pokémon story in my opinion. Not bad, but not really good like SM or BW.
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I was prepared to answer this question very differently based on the title, given that I think the region design is one of the worst things about gen 5, despite being my favourite games.
But since you want us to take everything into account, Unova it is.
In terms of game design, I might actually pick Kanto. Despite being the simplest, I love the freedom it grants you. It is everything it needs to be.
Aesthetically, I would either pick Johto or Kalos. They are very pretty regions. Certain parts of Galar look wonderful, too.
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if its by regions by themselves i would say kalos but if you include plot and character i would say unova the story of n is amazing and was probably the only mainline pokemon game that made me like "woah that just happened" (all the mystery dungeon games made me do that multiple times though) and no matter how much i like team flares fasion compared to plasma i do think plasma was more strategical in their plans and felt like an actual threat.