Trading Post Pokémon TCG Pocket
Kabutops/arcanine from genetix apexcan trade for:
trumphant light:
togekiss/mespritmythical island:
seperior/vaporeon/raichu/golem/taurosgenetix apex:
gyardos/vaporeon/arcticuno/greninja/magneton/zapdos/elektross/nidoquen/nidoking/snorlaxAdd me:
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Hi, I'll trade you Golem (MI) for Mamoswine if you still need. We are friends already.
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@Ggothmogg Hey yeah I saw your trade, I was just curious if you had a golem that wasn’t Spanish haha. I also had somebody else I had to trade with quick sorry!
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Hey! :D
ID: 8197621161350569
Just missed out on the last PROMO Nosepass ): and I haven't missed any PROMO card so I really need it.
Also looking for basic Cresselia and Darkrai, not the ex versions.
Thank you! (;
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No, sorry, most of my collection is in spanish.