Bugs on PC

So i've been playing the mobile version of the game for a while without major issues. The cards works as intended after the latest patch (not counting the banned ones)
However the PC version is littered with bugs that makes it basically unplayable. There seems to be a bug when looking for cards with items (see picture 1 and 2):
There is also a bug when using abilities to find supporters (picture 3):
There is also the unfortunate bug that is when you draw a boss orders (only tested with Cyrus and Lyssandre non fullarts) that the game just crashes and the card gets stuck on your screen. This has also happened when you draw it from using it other supporters like Porf. Research and marnie, buit then it just flows over your "hand" and you cant do anything. Youre able to concede, but the game takes a very long time to get you back to the main menu. (see pic 4)
Some patches ago (not sure how many) I was able to use ultra balls and quick balls to get pokemon, but that was only if i didnt include ANY ultra rare items or supporters in my deck. Not sure if this helps ^^
I hope these issues will be fixed sooner rather than later so we can all play on both platforms! A sidenote is the avatars of the enemies always looks spooky on the PC version ^^, but this is a visual bug more than a gamebreaking one.
Same bug here, since 2 days.
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I'm experiencing the excact same bugs you've written down as well. The only difference is that I'm experiencing the bug with Boss's Order with all my Switch-cards instead.
Tried to purge Pokémon from all directories on my computer, as well as all entries in Windows registry. I then reinstalled the game, but experienced the excact same bugs again.
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This has been happening since like forever on PCs. You're gambling if you think you can have a bug-free game.
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I dont mind a buggy game as long as it's playable. However it would be nice with some form of tranperacy on what they are working on. As a bug this severe should be a top priority cause it makes the game unplayable, unfortunately. Visual bugs for the characters was fixed faster than the core mechanics. I think personally think the more communication from the developers the better. Because I believe the game has superbig potential ^^