Trading Post Pokémon TCG Pocket
sorry the delay, Wi-Fi. But I sent the trade
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Hey all, I'm looking to "Catch Them All" and am missing a few 2-3 diamond. I have a Google Sheet of what I am missing, and what I have for trade! Take a look and let me know!
Trainer ID: 4776781853847645
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I do have Pidgeot ex
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Friend ID# 4700-4128-9638-6623
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👍 sent
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I have a few I can trade with you. I have clefable 114
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Yeah Isabel! Anything I have you needing?
I only listed my Triumphant Light 2 diamonds but I have plenty others!
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Hello, I’m looking for:
Can offer:
Beedrill, Arcanine, Flareon, Lapras, omastar, greninja, golem, kabutops, Muk, pidgeot, snorlax,
Mystical Island:
serperior, volcarona, Vapereon, Raichu, golem
Spacetime Smackdown:
Torterra, leafeon, shaymin, empoleon, glaceon, magnezone, electivire, luxray, togekiss, cresselia, darkrai, garchomp, regigigas
Add me:
6723495013696909 (name: musslos)