Trading Post Pokémon TCG Pocket
I have a 003 celebi ex I can trade. Could I have the garchomp? 3021-3322-4055-5218
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Just realized Abomasnow is under TL and therefore still restricted from trade unfortunately
Articuno Ex 084 is what I am looking for, do you have extra to trade?
I will get the Magmortar trade happening now - either Jolteon or Flareon is fine in return you can choose
thanks again!0 -
I have a Darkrai ex. 4 Diamond, but you wouldn’t have to have a spare Pidgeot ex from Mythical island pack. If not, do you have a Aerodactyl ex?
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Hello i want charmander i send you friend invitation my user is reb⭐️
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Friend ID: 4700412896386623
Player Name: DocSavagery1
LF: Darkrai ex 4 Diamond
FT: Exeggutor ex, Charizard ex, Blastoise ex, Starmie ex, Machamp ex, Marowak ex, Wigglytuff ex, Mismagius ex, Gyarados ex, Mew ex, Pidgeot ex
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I’ll trade the darkrai for the Pidgeot ex
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Ok great! Trade sent