Trading Post Pokémon TCG Pocket
Hi everyone,
My ID: 3281465997504618Looking for: Yanmega ex, Gyarados ex, Lickilicky ex
Offering: Charizard ex, Moltres ex, Articuno ex, Pikachu ex, Mewtwo ex, Mismagius ex
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Hi I have Weavile Ex And Gallade Ex To trade
Looking for Moltres Ex/Celebi Ex/Dialga Ex/Palkia Ex
Friend ID: 3512609201879293
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I can offer you for trade 4 diamond:
Infernape, Starmie
I am looking for 4 diamond:
Gallade, Yanmega
Please let me know what you need
ID: 7812304663427450
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@lkachanovsky Do you still have Machamp EX? Can trade Arceus or Weaville for it
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I added you. Send me Gallade ex, i will send you moltres ex.
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@iM2Xclusiv Apologies, I'm just now noticing that Triumphant Light cards can't be traded. Pick something else?
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@Qboneqt I have Starmie ex (german version) I could trade it for Gallade ex.
ID 6464800444765972
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Hi I can give weavile for dialga sent request