Trading Post Pokémon TCG Pocket
Hello i want moltres ex, i have arcanine ex, i send you friend invitación, my user is rebdragon
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@JamJamMarsh I sent a friend request
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i can trade for the charizard. My id is 4183271073368751
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Looking for pidgeot ex! This is the last card I need to complete mythical islands!
I can trade - Celebi ex,Weavile ex, wigglytuff ex, mewtwo ex, zapdos ex, pikachu ex, articuno ex, blastoise ex, moltres ex
The last three diamond I need is magnetron!
Three diamonds I can trade are (from genetic apex and mythical islands and space time smack down!)
Venusaur, Victreebel, Flareon, poliwrath, Gyarados, alakazam, aerodactyl, vaporeon, mew, butterfree, beedrill, Exeggutor, blastoise articuno, Raichu (GA) Jolteon, Zapdos, Gengar, machamp, Golem (GA) , Nidoqueen, Nidoking, Muk, Melmetal, Dragonite, Kangaskhan, serperior, volcarona, Raichu(MI), Mew, Golem (MI), Marshadow, Tauros, Giratina, bastiodon, Regigigas, Arceus,
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Mamoswine 3 stars
Garchomp 3 stars
Let me know what cards you want back. Too many to post.
Friend ID: 9840256393283410
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Hello i want 1 giovanny please, i have cards for trade,