Trading Post Pokémon TCG Pocket
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Hello i have arcanine, i want moltres please, i sent friend invitation my usar is rebdragon my ID friend is5596112285847555
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Hola busco mewto ex, ofrezco gengar ex
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Looking for
Arceus EX
Weavile EX
Can Offer
3 Gold Diamond - Charizard
2 Gold Diamonds - Probass
4 Diamonds - Yanmega, Infernape, Gallede, Garchomp, Pidgeot, Aerodactyl, Gyardos, Marowak, Gengar, Zapdos, Exeggutor, Machamp,
Friend ID - 28418626587815291 -
LF 3 diamond: shaymin
1 diamond: starly
Could trade pretty much any 3/2/1 diamond.
Ask me what you need!
Player id: 6467559743102071
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Monferno, Riolu, Shieldon x2, and Staraptor.
Monferno for Vespiquen 005/075 Triumph light
Riolu for Murkrow 096/155 space time
Shieldon x2 for Donphan (038) and Sudowoodo (036) triumph light
Staraptor for Cherrim 7/75 triumph light.
Im just saving up some tokens so it will be over a few days.
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I only have two cards left to complete the Mew Secret Mission.
Friend Name:piedparkler
Friend ID:4653-1998-4036-0022
102 - Jolteon 𖢻𖢻𖢻 ←Secret Mew Completion
152 - Marowak 𖢻𖢻 ←Secret Mew Completion
- Too many 𖢻𖢻's to list. Mention what you're after in your reply and we'll see if we can strike a deal.
007 - Butterfree x2A1
022 - ExeggutorA1
083 - ArticunoA1
122 - GengarA1
203 - KangaskhanA1a
045 - GolemA2
053 - Magnezone x3A2
060 - LuxrayA2
065 - Togekiss x2A2
072 - Dusknoir x2A2
076 - Mesprit x2A2
079 - Cresselia x1A2
092 - LucarioA2
120 - HeatranA2
123 - Garchomp x2A2
143 - Regigigas x2
In your reply please include your
Friend Name
andFriend ID
along with your offer so I know who to initiate the trade with. Thank you!0