Trading Post Pokémon TCG Pocket
Hi, I'm looking for:
3 Diamonds: Jolteon, Rampardos
Can offer: Alakazam, Vileplume, Exeggutor (GA), Vaporeon (MI), Moltres, Serperior, Volcarona, Golem (MI), Marshadow, Garchomp
Also looking for 2 diamonds: Nidorino
Can offer: List too long to put here, let me know what you need.
Friend ID is 0283882004957938
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Here are my current trading needs and offers :)
Needed ♢♢:
Graveler 044/068 A1a Mythical Island
Budding Expeditioner 066/068 A1a Mythical Island
Offering ♢♢♢:
Charizard 035/226 A1 Genetic Apex
Arcanine 040/226 A1 Genetic Apex
Gyarados 078/226 A1 Genetic Apex
Raichu 095/226 A1 Genetic Apex
Eelektross 109/226 A1 Genetic Apex
Mewtwo 128/226 A1 Genetic Apex
Gardevoir 132/226 A1 Genetic Apex
Nidoqueen 168/226 A1 Genetic Apex
Nidoking 171/226 A1 Genetic Apex
Dragonite 185/226 A1 Genetic Apex
Kangaskhan 203/226 A1 Genetic Apex
Aerodactyl 210/226 A1 Genetic Apex
Volcarona 014/068 A1a Mythical Island
Magnezone 053/155 A2 Space-Time Smackdown
Togekiss 065/155 A2 Space-Time Smackdown
Mesprit 076/155 A2 Space-Time Smackdown
Porygon-Z 129/155 A2 Space-Time Smackdown
Offering ♢♢♢♢:
Arcanine ex 041/226 A1 Genetic Apex
Articuno ex 084/226 A1 Genetic Apex
Gengar ex 123/226 A1 Genetic Apex
Mewtwo ex 129/226 A1 Genetic Apex
Marowak ex 153/226 A1 Genetic Apex
Mew ex 032/068 A1a Mythical Island
Infernape ex 029/155 A2 Space-Time Smackdown
Offering ⭐️:
Gloom 228/226 A1 Genetic Apex
Charmander 230/226 A1 Genetic Apex
Cubone 239/226 A1 Genetic Apex
Nidoqueen 240/226 A1 Genetic Apex
Nidoking 241/226 A1 Genetic Apex
Golbat 242/226 A1 Genetic Apex
Ditto 247/226 A1 Genetic Apex
Snorlax 250/226 A1 Genetic Apex
Vaporeon 072/068 A1a Mythical Island
Combee 157/155 A2 Space-Time Smackdown0 -
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Sorry for spams I am not used to this forum 😰😰
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@Astraeus123 u can send me porygon-z or empolean