Trading Post Pokémon TCG Pocket
Looking for
3 diamond —> mamoswine
4 diamond —> dialga-ex
can offer :
4 diamond —> blastoise-ex, zapdos-ex, pidgeot-ex
Friend ID: 3952-1383-9177-1298 (sakshampikachu)0 -
Venusaur for your empoleon :)
Add me i just added you
i am crazyclick0 -
@Astraeus123 I can give alkazam and mewtwo for your empoleon and porygon-z
this trade will be from my another account saksham0711 (sent request)
I already have another deal with you for dialga ex that is from sakshampikachu :), initiate both when u r ready
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LF: Genetic Apex 3◇ Gardevoir.
FT: Articuno, Ditto, Vileplume, and Kangaskhan from Genetic Apex packs to trade. 9245198630441558
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@legolas_hawkeye I can trade you mamoswine for your weezing. Adding you.
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sure i can do pidgeot for empoleon. Addind you now
Edit: turns out we already friend! Im crazyclick, started a trade :)
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sent, u can respond