Trading Post Pokémon TCG Pocket
Looking for:-
3 diamond —> empoleon, porygon-z
4 diamond —> mismagius-ex
can offer :
3 diamond —> vaporean(both), alkazam, mewtwo, muk, weezing, ditto, volcarona, mew, darkrai
4 diamond —> exeggutor-ex, arcaine-ex, blastoise-ex, zapdos-ex, machamp-ex
ID: 1736-8711-1334-0524 (saksham0711)0 -
@piedparkler I will send a Lapras for a Giratina if still available.
Queen_V- 7902125483124790
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I have limited tokens so I’m prioritizing the cards I need for decks and Mew Secret Missions. Sorry!
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Add me please:
My ID: 3281465997504618
I can give you:
Articuno Ex
Mismagius ExI'm looking for
Arceus Ex
Gyrados Ex
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@piedparkler ok thanks for clarifying, no problem :)