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Premier Mode

I played the TCG before there were V cards. I, as well as many others, would benefit from a mode that bans the use of V cards, or limits to a maximum of one, like Radiant cards.

This would promote more diverse gameplay and decks, since:

  • (If applicable) It limits you to a single V card "commander" to set up to sweep, requiring you to depend on the rest of your deck
  • You aren't forced to use a meta deck to compete with V decks just to avoid using V cards yourself
  • Some of us want to make fun and interesting themed decks (like fossils or birds) and see opponents use fun themed decks

This mode can ban or limit other specialty cards like EX and GX too, though they aren't as ludicrously game breaking. I just want to see more than the same six decks please.


  • DoubleCure
    DoubleCure Member Posts: 1,618 ✭✭✭✭✭
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    Save that sugestion for 2 or 3 years from now... the dev team can barely keep the game playable in Standard mode with the game avaible for more then a year.

    The next mode they will focus will be Expanded as advertised, and they don't want to lose that player base, but don't expect it to be complete this year.

    So new modes for the next couple of years only in our dreams...

  • Lambalazar
    Lambalazar Member Posts: 100 ✭✭✭
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    You gotta go way higher up the ladder for this kind of request, the people making Live aren’t the ones making the rules for other formats. They’re just programming what TPCi tells them the game is

  • TechHog
    TechHog Member Posts: 2,901 ✭✭✭✭✭
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    That's optimistic. The current team is not capable of completing this game. The higher ups will realize that eventually, but it might take 5+ years until they clean house and another 1-2 years for the new team to fix it. Then we'll finally have Expanded.

  • Edurandomnumber
    Edurandomnumber Member Posts: 331 ✭✭✭
    100 Comments 5 Answers 25 Agrees 25 Likes

    I mean, the most popular deck right now is lost zone box, which can play perfectly with 0 pokemon V and pretty much destroys every deck build around low HP pokemon. For a format like you said to be diverse it would require a lot more changes than what you're saying. If anything, your changes would make the meta less diverse.

    If anything, i think what you want is for GLC format to be added, GLC is a really fun format that accomplish what you are asking. The problem is that GLC format requires expanded to be fully implemented, so we can't even ask for it until they fully implement expanded first.

    Also, 6 decks is a decently diverse meta for a card game.