Trading Post Pokémon TCG Pocket
I don’t have those so sorry
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Building a new deck to test out and I just need two more cards:
A1 150 - Onix ♢♢
A1 224 - Brock ♢♢
I have an ungodly amount of 2-star cards that I can offer. Just let me know what you're after.
Player name:friggins
Friend code:4232-9043-8133-1525
Be sure to include your player name in your reply so I know who the trade is being done with. Thanks!
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I don’t have those sorry
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Looking for:
Venusaur Ex
Articuno Ex - 2
Yanmega Ex
Pachirisu Ex
Mismagius Ex -2
InInfernape Ex -2
Weavile Ex
Glaceon Ex -2
Propass Ex
Gallade Ex -2
Pidgeot Ex
Gyrados Ex
Celebi Ex -3
Wigglytuff Ex
Marowak Ex -2
Machamp Ex -2
Mewtwo Ex -3
Zapdos Ex
Pikachu ex
Moltres Ex-5
Charizard Ex-3
DaDarkrai Ex
Arceus Ex
Leafeon Ex
Garchomp Ex -2
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Looking For Pachirisu Ex
Can trade : Garchomp, Dialga, Weavile, Moltres, Starmie, Celebi, Gyarados, Arcanine, Charizard, Blastoise, Articuno, Marowak
Code : 2772292459437554
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(The message still hasn’t gone through so I’ll send another)
I can do Probopass EX for Leafeon EX!
ID: 1248670438354033
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I can do Probopass EX for Leafeon EX!