Trading Post Pokémon TCG Pocket
(Sorry if this is a dupe, messages seem to not send sometimes)
My IGN is MagicsI can trade you the
I would like (GA) Raichu, Elektross, (MI) Golem
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Can give you both Gardeviors
Would like GA Raichu, Elektross, MI Golem, as my 3 suggestions. If not those I can come up with more
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I can trade for a blastoise ex or palkia ex
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sent the wrong card to you. :( just sent an offer with Wartortle. :)
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I can trade Onix for a wartortle or misty
Username: baseball
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I can trade you Onix for a misty or wartortle
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Lets see, Leafeon Ex, Celebi Ex, Garchomp Ex, Palkia Ex, Dialga Ex. Licky Ex, Moltres Ex, etc