Pokemon Forums Story 8th Gym Challenge
I can't wait for my part! I recently finished a project of mine that involved a lot of writing and storytelling, I'm really good at it so when I get to doing my story I'll make sure to put thought and effort into it.
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I mean, why would it not be in order?
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This is insane
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@clasingla i am here.
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If y'all want a taste of my storytelling I can provide a line from the project I just finished. If you'd like.
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I forget what I have to do can you recap?
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I think you will just continue on from where the previous thingy left off and do the whole story thing my brain is focused on something else right now yeah
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You called?
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first you do have to wait for all that to before you (maybe rivals depend if they respond by next wensday) then you have to wait for me, @L_LostWord, and @Michael629303 to write their parts you get 5 pokemon of a chosen type that doesn’t have a type specialist already your options are (fairy, rock, ground, ice, dark, bug, or poison) if you need to see the previous parts of the story I can easily attach them