Trading Post Pokémon TCG Pocket
I’ll give raichu for luxray.
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need: dawn x2
Cyrus x1
sneasel x1
will trade for 2diamond whatever just short those rn.0 -
I have sneasel if you have grotle, purugly, or gastrodon.
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I have plenty of extra giant cape. Do you just need one?
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I'm looking for Marshadow three diamond from mythical island.
I have three diamond exeggutor, Nidoqueen, Ditto, Raichu, togekiss, mesprit, and giritina I can trade for it.
Friend ID 3732476537877832 Name: nomnomstarfish
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I have an extra full art Bidoof from Space-Time Smackdown. The art is very cute but I don't think it's card I'm gonna be using in battles, does anyone have something they'd like to trade for it? I'm super new to the game so I don't know what would be of equivalent (I know there's the rarity system, but still). My friend-id is 5062-4194-7509-3038 Thanks <3
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Looking for 1 star Meowth.
To trade I have extra 1 star Bulbasaur, Charmander, Lapras, Electrode, Weezing, Pigeot, Ditto, Porygon, Snorlax, or Vaporeon
Friend ID: 9430237684090494Player Name: Goofinator
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Need 3 diamond —> dusknoir
can offer :
3 diamond —> vaporean(both), alkazam, mewtwo, muk, weezing, ditto, volcarona, mew, darkrai
ID: 1736-8711-1334-0524 (saksham0711)0