Trading Post Pokémon TCG Pocket
I added you (Steve). I can trade you 2 diamonds tentacruel and nidorina. Here’s what I need:
Looking for English ♦♦ (Priority Order):
- Giovanni (Genetic Apex)
- Dragonair (Genetic Apex)
- Wartortle (Genetic Apex)
- Elektrik (Genetic Apex)
- Dugtrio (Genetic Apex)
- Lum Berry (Space-Time Smackdown)
- Bronzong (Space-Time Smackdown)
- Toxicroak (Space-Time Smackdown)
- Dusclops (Space-Time Smackdown)
- Toxicroak (Space-Time Smackdown)
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LF 4 diamond: exeggutor ex
FT: Pachurisu ex, Zapdos ex, Marowak ex, and Mewtwo ex
LF 2 diamond: 2 Erika and 1 rocky helmet
FT: I have a bunch of stuff. Mostly pokemon from Space Time Smackdown: Dialga, not a lot of trainer cards.
My ID: 4539689873218800
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@piedparkler Can trade Zapdos for Magmortar
I sent you a friend request
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Looking for :
Genetic Apex :
- Articuno Ex
Space-Time Smackdown :
- Rampardos
- Pokemon communication
- Monferno X2
- Full Art Shaymin
- Full Art Lucario
Triumphant Light :
- Full Art Shaymin
- Heatran
Can Trade :
- Most of the 1 and 2 diamonds cards and half of the 3 diamonds cards
- Lucario
- Magnezone (smackdown)
- Celebi Ex x2
- Mew Ex x2
- Mismagius Ex
- Glaceon Ex
- Starmie Ex
- Darkrai Ex x3
- Full Art Serperior x2
- Full Art Nidoqueen x4
- Full Art Gyarados
- Full Art Electrode
- Full Art Snorlax
- Full Art Meowth
- Full Art Dedenne
- Full Art Shinx
- Full Art Hippopotas
- Full Art Staraptor
- Full Art Glameow
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Got these trades available
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If you have magmortar still, I can do marshadow for that
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I can trade you Articuno Ex.
My friend Id is 1240-0183-3731-6092I would request Darkrai Ex or Glaceon Ex, whichever you prefer to give up more.