Trading Post Pokémon TCG Pocket
Hey, I can trade ST - Shaymin for GA - gyrados
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Friend id: 3935445395984343
1x Marshadow #47, 1x Carnivine #9, Crobat, Abomasnow, heatran (triumphant light)3 diamond cards I have for trade:
Rampardos (space-time smackdown)
Gengar (Genetic Apex)
Electivire (space-time smackdown)
Vaporeon (Genetic Apex)
Machamp (Genetic Apex)
Melmetal (Genetic Apex)
Lucario (Space time smackdown)
Darkrai (Space time smackdown)
Regigigas (space time smackdown)
Origin forme Palkia
Giriatina (triumphant light)
Shaymin (Triumphant light)
Arceus (Triumphant light)
Venusaur (genetic apex)
Charizard (Genetic apex)
Lapras (Genetic apex)
LF: Manaphy
have lots of cards just ask
LF: Froakie
have lots of cards just ask
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I can do Marshadow for Rampardos.
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Im looking for Starmie EX and Mewtwo EX from Genetic Apex to complete the base deck