Trading Post Pokémon TCG Pocket
@JamJamMarsh what do you need?
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@bbeast99 any of: Butterfree, wartortle, blastoise, lapras, vaporeon, omastar, zapdos alakazam, gengar, draognite, aerodactyl, snorlax 3-diamond GA
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Update: Still looking for the following cards from Space-Time Smackdown - feel free to add me!
ID: 3061479798626457 (paranix)
Looking for:
◇◇◇: Shaymin
◇◇◇◇: Dialga ex
Offering / available:
◇◇◇: Magnezone, Darkrai, Togekiss, Regigigas, Exeggutor, Mewtwo, Golem (MI), Nidoqueen, Mew, Tauros, Venusaur, Butterfree, Moltres, Gyarados, Articuno, Raichu (GA and MI), Jolteon, Zapdos, Gengar, Hypno
◇◇◇◇: Yanmega ex, Palkia ex, Blastoise ex, Marowak ex, Arcanine ex, Starmie ex, Gengar ex, Machamp ex, Wigglytuff ex, Celebi ex
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@bbeast99 added
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I'm looking for some full art cards to finish my collection
GA: Slowpoke
MI: Vaporeon
For Trade
GA: gloom,gyrados,lapras,cubone,nidoqueen,dragonite,pidgeot,snorlax,
MI: serperior,dedenne,marshadow
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Looking for Celeby ex,
can give 3 star pikachu ex, mew ex 4 diamonds, mismagius ex 4 diamond,machamp ex 4 diamonds, mewtwo ex 4 diamonds, weavel and Aerodactyl (also ex 4 diamonds.)
Id 3519566448443559
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I do have Machamp! I’ll take Magneton, please.