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Game Incentivizes Conceding

  • Adding a daily quest "Play two matches without conceding" is not the solution.
  • Game allows opponents to cheat you from getting full Battlepass XP and you to do the same.
  • Gameplay is slow when compared to Online that conceding when you have a bad start is optimal


  • Have an option to have minimal or no animations, or not have to wait while animations play out
  • Only allow conceding on the players turn (see below)
  • After resolving the attack, if the Prizes earned is less than Prizes available allow the player to select their Prizes, else select the remaining Prizes for the player and end match.

I played so many games now where my opponent concedes just before I am about to select prizes. I have noticed that I earn around 160 Battle Pass XP in matches where I won by taking all of the Prizes, which has been fairly consistent as the max. But in matches where I either make and attack and during the prize selection process the game states that the opponent conceded, I earn around 60-90 xp less in those matches based on the amount prize cards that I was about to take. I only got 90 something xp despite me about to swing at their VMax and knock it out for the final three prize cards.

The most insulting part is that they could earn more BPxp than the winner because they conceded with only 1 prize card left but about to lose the match because their Vmax is going to be KO. It happens so often that I suggest the easiest solution right now, based on my programming experience*, is to just only allow players to concede on their turn. Then later address it, and come up with a better solution, when the various systems improve.

*It seems like you could just disable the concede button until their turn. Admittedly, the better option would be to push the conceding player to the menu screen, so that they can search for another game quickly, and allow the winning player to play out their final turn.

Another solution would be to not end the game until the attack and prize card selection has resolved, or increase the prizes taken count prior to the player selecting their prizes so that the Battle Pass calculation will take it into account. These are not great solutions as many players will still concede just before you attack.


I have so many suggestions for Live, it's insane, and before anyone else points out that it is a beta, beta is where bugs like not being able to select cards when you can or the colors of my avatar items change. These are just plain out gameplay issues, they are working as programmed, it is intended to work like this, which gives the implication that the developers have never played any digital card game ever. It feels like maybe they played PTCG because they had to for work, but also haven't ever played any of their competition like MTG Arena, Yu-Gi-Oh, or even the old Gameboy version of PTCG.



  • DoubleCure
    DoubleCure Member Posts: 1,478 ✭✭✭✭✭
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    O agree with the prize cards selection, PTCG Online did it better.

    The animations instead of disable, they should optimize them, again PTCG Online did it way better. Everything in gameplay feels slow even with a top of line PC.

    About the concede part I do not agree, I want to be able to concede whenever I want, the game is slow enough as it is, not allow to concede when I want would make it extra boring.

    And I wouldn't wory about Battle Pass XP, that's one of the few things implemeted way better then PTCG Online, and for sure will improve over time, they already increase the rewards, and it's balaced enough for even new players be able to finnish.

  • TechHog
    TechHog Member Posts: 2,901 ✭✭✭✭✭
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    They can't lock conceding to the player's turn because that's not how the game rules work and the player can just close the game to force a concede anyway. They also can't afford an option to remove animations because that affects the timer and thus both players need to be using the same option for fairness.

    The only real solution is to remove the reward scaling altogether. You get a certain amount of points for winning or losing and that's it.

  • WatUSayinDoe
    WatUSayinDoe Member Posts: 11
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    If someone want's to concede let them concede, why do you care how much battle pass XP another player gets? just take the W and get into another game. I've actually got more of an issue with people NOT conceding when they are clearly going to lose on the next term, wasting my time playing supporters, attaching energy's etc. If you literally cannot win just concede and move on to the next one..

  • Edteach1680
    Edteach1680 Member Posts: 1
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    It's not about how much xp the other person gets. You, yourself, get more xp for actually winning vs your opponent conceding. Conceding before the game ends to cheat the winner out of xp is toxic. What they should do is make a scaling lockout for conceding to discourage it. x1 = 5 min lockout, x2 = 10 min, etc up to x5 = try again tomorrow with counter resetting at midnight. This generation of rage quitters is toxic, "I can't win so you don't get your xp."

  • TechHog
    TechHog Member Posts: 2,901 ✭✭✭✭✭
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    This is the worst solution I've ever heard of. The XP system needs to be fixed. Punishing people for conceding is insanely stupid.

  • Allan-C
    Allan-C Member Posts: 7
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    Maybe don't give any XP for conceded games, or use the count for prizes or time to penalize the player that conceded. Or give extra XP to players that wins a conceded game.

  • Avarita
    Avarita Member Posts: 6
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    edited April 2023 #8

    So today. I had to deal with so many conceded opponents that my battlepass progression time tripled. I do not want to spend long time setting up only to waste all of that by opponent.(Keep in mind if he knocks out 3 to 5 prizes he gets almost more battle pass xp than me if he knows he is about to get destroyed)

  • DoubleCure
    DoubleCure Member Posts: 1,478 ✭✭✭✭✭
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    Are you guys playing in Casual mode?

    If conceding is a bothering you that much my advice is for you to try play in Ranked mode you will see much less players concede.

  • Avarita
    Avarita Member Posts: 6
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    I am only playing Ranked. So that do not apply here.

  • Digital_Ghost
    Digital_Ghost Member Posts: 2
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    Sadly I agree and I think the Live team needs to address this.

    Even when players aren't actively trying to cheat each other out of XP (which does happen) any early concessions costs you progress. ANY early concession. That is not how a game should be designed.

    If an opponent concedes the game there should be a minimum value of XP awarded (doesn't have to be full, since some players will surrender after drawing their hand) but after a certain number of turns the XP number should stay maxed out if you win.

    Played four turns? Max XP. No matter when they concede. The Do Not Concede daily doesn't help the issue... it just means one less concession a day. Not a solution.