Trading Post Pokémon TCG Pocket
I'll trade a Pikachu ex for Yanmega ex!
I've sent a request; I'm Jaymon
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@SammyLeeJones gengar for rampardos, dusknoir or porygon-z? Send anything if u have to saksham0711
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Starmie for Lickylicky, adding you @Mars9109
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Offer accepted.
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@SammyLeeJones Swanna for Cranidos?
Friend ID: 2615447411341730
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@SammyLeeJones I can trade a Blastoise EX or a starmie EX for a pidgeot EX
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I would need a Heatran Holo, pls ask for cards you would need.
ID: 2081339920177850
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I'm looking for some full art cards to finish my collection
GA: Slowpoke
MI: Salandit,Vaporeon
For Trade
GA: gloom,gyrados,lapras,cubone,nidoqueen,dragonite,pidgeot,snorlax,
MI: serperior,dedenne,marshadow
SS: shaymin
My friend ID is 4052-3923-0533-63870