Trading Post Pokémon TCG Pocket
@Porygon_JPR just sent a trade
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Please, I trade you Pacharisu EX for Glaceon EX? Adding you now. TCG name is John.
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Looking for 4 star EX: aerodactyl ex
For trade 4 star ex: blastoise, moltres, zapdos, machamp, marowak, pikachu, mewtwo, arcanine, and more
Ask me what you need!
Player id: 6467559743102071
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I can trade you a Porygon-Z for a Mewtwo
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can i trade you anything else for your aerodactyl? I aint got the 4 you need :(
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@Lorenz150795 ok please add me, i sent request :)
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dang, I just remembered what had been told to me several times in the last few days of trading: Triumphant Light cards are not tradable until the subsequent release.
If you happen to have a Gallade EX, that works for me. If not, sorry.0 -
I need all this from genetic apex
1 diamond:
paras, vulpix, magmar, poliwag, seaking, machollo
2 diamond:
venomoth, weepinbell, kingler, swanna, rasaff, kabuto, nidorina, misty
3 diamond:
venusaur, butterfree, vileplume, victreebel, exeggutor, arcanine, flareon, blastoise, poliwrath, lapras, zapdos, eelektross, gengar, hypno, machomei, kabutops, nidoking
4 diamond:
moltres ex, blastoise ex, starmie ex, pikachu ex
I can offer
1-3 diamond:almost every other card, feel free to ask
4 diamond:
glurak ex, arcanine ex, mewtu ex, wigglytuff ex, mew ex, pidgeot ex, yanmega ex, glaceon ex
Friend-id: 5949-9611-0756-0575
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I would be happy to do any of those 2 diamond’s except Misty or Rasaff for a Space-Time Smackdown Dawn if you happen to have one to spare.
Friend ID is 57962499950683820