Trading Post Pokémon TCG Pocket
*** Updated ***
User Name: Sambones
Friend ID: 0891-2374-1655-2738Looking For:
3-Diamond: Magmortar, Empoleon, Garchomp
1-Star: Tangrowth, Carnivine, Gastrodon, Drifloon, Rhyperior, Hippopotas, Spiritomb, Garchomp, Bidoof, GlameowHave
3-Diamond - Togekiss, Mesprit, Blastiodon, Heatran, Serperior, Volcarona, Vaporeon (MI), Raichu (MI), Mew (MI), Golem (MI), Marshadow (MI), Tauros, Mewtwo, Gardevoir, Golem (GA), Nidoking, Melmetal, Dragonite, Pidgeot, Ditto, Aerodactyl (GA),
1-Star - Combee, Lucario, Exeggutor, Serperior, Salandit, Vaporeon, Dedenne, Marshadow, Diglett, Cubone, Nidoqueen, Nidoking, Weezing, Dragonite, Pidgeot (GA), Ditto,0 -
Looking for a Yanmega Ex
In exchange I have:
Pachirisu Ex
Gallade Ex
Darkrai Ex
Gyrados Ex
Celebi Ex
Others from the first set.
Friend code:
0 -
Friend ID: 0715800387111738
Looking for Yanmega Ex
Have Ex Darkrai, Pachirisu, Celebi, Gyrados, Gallade
0 -
Hi, i have Eelektross. Do you have Empoleon, Giratina or Porygon-Z from Space/Time Smackdown? :)