Trading Post Pokémon TCG Pocket
@legolas_hawkeye I need an alkazam and a guardevoir. I also have an togekiss for you!
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Looking for
3 diamond —> mamoswine, empoleon, togekiss, leafeon, rhyperior, rampardos, porygon-z
4 diamond —> palkia-ex, dialga-ex, lickilicky-ex, need 2nd-> gallade-ex
can offer :
3 diamond —> venusaur, greninja, weezing, pidgeot, kangaskhan, ditto, volcarona, vaporean(MI), raichu(MI), mew, tauras, torterra, glaceon, mespirit,
4 diamond —> blastoise-ex, zapdos-ex, marowak-ex, pidgeot-ex
Friend ID: 3952-1383-9177-1298 (sakshampikachu)0 -
@legolas_hawkeye i have another togekiss. I need mespirit!
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@SammyLeeJones add this account and send togekiss , i have mespirit
3952-1383-9177-1298 (sakshampikachu)
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sure i can trade you leafeon for kabutops. Trade me or i trade you as soon as my current trade ends.
Player id: 6467559743102071
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hey we are currently in a trade, waiting for you to finalize so that i can made another trade. Cheers! 👍
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@Kripamon accept friend request from saksham0711, i can give manaphy 1 star for drifloon, please send me when u want to trade