Trading Post Pokémon TCG Pocket
Friend code 3674768978025349
Looking for: Parachurisu EX ****, Dialga EX ****, Gallade EX ****Can trade: Weavile EX ****, Yanmega EX ****, Wigglytuff EX ****, Marowak EX ****, Gengar EX ****, Starmie EX ****.
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LF: Weavile ex (201/155)
FT: Pikachu ex, Mewtwo ex, Wigglytuff EX, Blue, Leaf, Infernape ex, Mismagius ex(184/155), Volkner, Mismagius ex(199/155)
Friend ID:
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I do not have any extra of those. Do you need anything else?
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@Aragil if u still need weezing i can trade for any of these
3 diamond —> mamoswine, empoleon, magnezone, togekiss, dusknoir, rampardos, bastiodon, porygon-z
Friend ID: 1736-8711-1334-0524 (saksham0711)
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@BarD6 i have gardevior, if u have any of these we can trade
3 diamond —> mamoswine, empoleon, magnezone, togekiss, dusknoir, rampardos, bastiodon, porygon-z,
need 2nd-> leafeon
Friend ID: 1736-8711-1334-0524 (saksham0711)
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i got weezing, i need arcanine, kabutops or flareon 3 diamond.
Trade me firectly in game my name is CrazyClick we alrady friends