Trading Post Pokémon TCG Pocket
Sent you a togekiss. Thanks, have a nice day.
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great. The friend Id is above and the trainer name is Cynic
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I sent you too, have a nice day.
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same here in the middle of a trade, but either you or i can start a trade between us after that.
i need butterfree, arcanine, flareon, kabutops, ditto
ill get you golem :)
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Looking for 4 star EX:
aerodactyl, pidgeot , dialga, infernape,
For trade 4 star ex: blastoise, moltres, zapdos, machamp, marowak, pikachu, mewtwo, arcanine,
Looking for 3 stars: arcanine, flareon, kabutops,
Could trade pretty much any 3star in exchange, just ask your top choices.
Player id: 6467559743102071
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I need Celebi EX,
i have charizard ex, gengar ex, matchamp ex, marovak ex, mew ex, pachirisu ex, dialga ex
ID: 2453689074665029
Username: Elendil
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Looking for an extra Charmeleon. If you have one, let me know what you want. I have plenty of duplicates, including supporters.