Trading Post Pokémon TCG Pocket
I am after a Venusaur EX
Please let me know if you have spare and what ex you are after
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darkrai-ex ?
Friend ID: 1736-8711-1334-0524
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i have 2 accounts, sent friend request from both, i can give u some of yours, accept those.
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send a lum berry
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Its Spiritomb full art but I gave you the porygon that you didn't have
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send me porygon-z, rampardos, rhyperior, togekiss, magnezone, empolean or mamoswine,
sending vileplume first
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Friend code 3674768978025349
Looking for: Parachurisu EX ****, Dialga EX ****, Gallade EX ****Can trade: Weavile EX ****, Yanmega EX ****, Wigglytuff EX ****, Marowak EX ****, Gengar EX ****, Starmie EX ****.