Trading Post Pokémon TCG Pocket
@Ventaggron i have dialga ex, do you have celebi ex?
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I'm looking for Cyrus and Dawn, not full art, obviously.
I can trade any of the other 2 diamond trainers, except for Mars and Pokecom. Plus probably whatever 2 diamond Mon you're looking for.
Also looking for Rampardos and Mesprit, again, not full art, and I got baby Darkrai, Garchomp, Mythical Island Vaporeon and other stuff to trade, so let me know if you're looking for something specific.
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I need Celebi EX,
i have charizard ex, gengar ex, matchamp ex, marovak ex, mew ex, pachirisu ex, dialga ex
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Looking for: 3 diamond ♦️♦️♦️ ENGLISH
MoltresI have: exeggutor, Lapras, Articuno, Machamp, Snorlax, Vaporeon (MI), Marshadow (MI), Tauros (MI)
ID: 8359375816115534 AiacosSend request. I’ll check forums for your reply and trade what you need.
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ill add you and create a trade. I got nidoking. Ill trade for your mew
or you can create the trade when you accept me as you wishPlayer id: 6467559743102071