Trading Post Pokémon TCG Pocket
If anyone interested please let me know what you want in return
Friend id:1014311031073613
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I would trade Mewtwo for butterfree if you are interested
Friend id:1014311031073613
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I dont have any extra Lucario :/ do u need anything else?
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Also @raxus-player interested in the mew and venasaur. Any need for arcanine, marowak, gengar?
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If anyone has any pokemon communication or charmeleon willing to offer a variety of 2<>'s
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Looking for Yanmega Ex or Palkia ex, 4 diamonds
Can trade Infernape Ex, Dialga Ex, Mew Ex, Gyarados Ex, Aerodactyl Ex, Zapdos Ex, Moltres Ex, Charizard Ex, or Venusaur Ex for itID 4973721871071216
Add me as friend and let me know which card you would like