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Is there a way people cheat on this game?

Idk if it's possible to like use an unlock tool to get all the max rarity cards and pick the cards you get in your hand. But I have ran into about 5 or 6 people now that have everything max rarity and every time they play their hand out it's all cards you couldn't have picked better. I never ran into this on ptcgo and I really hope it's not actually a thing online but I really wouldn't be surprised. I know almost anything is possible on a computer so I hope this was thought about and stops were put in place to avoid it


  • DoubleCure
    DoubleCure Member Posts: 1,618 ✭✭✭✭✭
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    edited March 2023 #2

    For sure there were and are exploits, most of the known ones were fixed, but to be honest I see nothing wrong with what you described.

    Max rarity is much easier to obtain in PTCG Live they even offer many for free.

    And your opponents being lucky (or good players) in 5 or 6 games happens to everyone.

    You will need better evidence to claim they were somehow cheating I'm just saying.